Category: Creative Thinking

  • 101 Ideas

    Give yourself or your team a deadline to compile 101 ideas in a list. By having so many ideas you give yourself permission to have more bad ideas, which in turn opens you up to more good ideas

  • Shower Thoughts

    The reason we have great ideas in the shower is that we’re not doing anything else. Use your time in the shower, on the train, during your run, or meditating in a sensory deprivation chamber to consider the brief.

  • Draw On Inspiration

    Instead of writing ideas, simply start sketching relevant concepts. By activating your visual cortex you’ll open up new ways to think about things. Don’t try to solve the problem right away, just start moving the pencil

  • 10 Ideas In 10 Minutes

    Force your internal critic to shut up by generating as many ideas as possible. Quantity over quality will help your mind to expand rather than contract. Set a stopwatch for 10 minutes to write down 10 ideas. Importantly, they don’t have to be good ideas.